Download SearchS3
For Windows 7/8/10/11 and Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016/2019/2022
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Requires .NET 8.0 Desktop Runtime or later.
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A headless / command line interface version of SearchS3 for Windows and Linux.
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Requires .NET 8.0 Core Runtime or later.
Download .NET 8.0 Core Runtime
Command Line Arguments
which profile from the %USERPROFILE%\.aws\credentials file to use for this
learn more -
limits the results to object keys that contain the string 'query'.
--buckets the aws bucket(s) that you would like to search, 'bucket 1, bucket 2, bucket 3', leave empty to search all buckets.
--output output the results as json to file.
--file-types limit the results to 'file-types', *.txt, *.log.
--tags limit the results that are tagged with at least one of 'tag 1, tag 2'.
--storage-classes limits the results to files that are in at least one of 'STANDARD,INTELLIGENT_TIERING'. learn more -
(Default: 5497558138880)
limit the reuslts to files that are <= max-file-size. maximum value is 5TB -
5497558138880 bytes).
(Default: 0)
limit the results to files that >= min-file-size.
--min-date-time limits the results to files that are older than or equal to min-date-time.
--max-date-time limits the results to files that are younger then or equal to max-date-time.
(Default: false)
treats the query argument as a regular expression. learn more -
(Default: false)
do not use any cached items.
--purge-pattern purge all cached results where key LIKE 'PATTERN'.
--purge purge any and all cached results. see also purge-before, purge-after.
--purge-before purge all cached results before or equal to 'DATE-TIME'.
--purge-after purge all cached results after or equal to 'DATE-TIME'.
--help Display the help screen.
--version Display version information.